Bark-o-ween and more

Saturday, October 31, 2009
We went to a "Bark-o-ween Party" and pet costume contest today! It was a lot of fun! It was held at a pet boutique (in the parking lot) and the judge for the contest was Svengoolie, a local TV host, he has a TV show where he shows horror movies and does funny skits (like Elvira.) It was really cool to meet him because I have been watching him since I was a kid, he also used to host a kid's show in like 89-90. I got an autograph and my photo (with Bianca) taken with Svengoolie. That photo will be coming in the mail so I don't have the picture yet.

I had Bianca my German Shepherd and my cat Harlequin. Bianca was dressed as the Big Bad Wolf and Harlequin as Little Red Riding Hood. Everyone thought they were very cute. It was kinda cold so I only had the cat out for the actual contest judging... I've been to several costume contests with them this month and they won first place at every other contest-- we entered the ones at Petco, Petsmart, and Chi Town Dog House.
This time they split them up for the judging. Harlequin got 1st place for "Best Cat" aka the "Brave Kitty award" (she was the only cat there heh...) and Bianca got 2nd place for "Scariest Costume". The overall 1st place was two Chihuahuas dressed as Michael Jackson and Diana Ross.

Bianca won a gift basket full of dog goodies and a $25 gift card for the store. Harley won a gift bag full of catnip toys and cat stuff and a gift card. I also found out that I won one of the store's raffles for a nice pet coat from Scooter's Friends brand.

Every contest we've been to, people comment that their cats would be hiding or would not be so calm/happy, or ask if she is okay with the dogs around and everything. Harley was totally comfortable with the contests or I would not have brought her. She has no fear of dogs and barking doesn't phase her either. She and her siblings were raised around my dogs Ginger and Pooch from 3 weeks old, so they have no issue with dogs. Harley is also very outgoing and likes to explore new places. I've taken her to pet shops, pet shows, and cat shows and she is always fine with it. She does pretty well in the cat shows too because she is so friendly and playful.

Here are some photos from the contest today, and below that are a few from the other contests we entered recently.

"Come closer, dearie..."

Svengoolie announcing the winners

The winner for "Best Pet and Owner costumes" - Marie Antoinette

Bianca and Harlequin at the first contest we went to, at Chi Town Dog House (there was one other cat there)

Bianca and Harlequin at Petco's Howl-o-ween event

A Day at Dog Camp

Monday, October 12, 2009
I took my German Shepherd Bianca to Camp Dogwood for one day over the weekend. It is normally a 4-day camp but they have an option of just coming for the day. I wasn't sure how Bianca would do around so many dogs so I decided to just go on Sunday and see how she did. We have been working on her behavior around other dogs and she has improved a lot but sometimes she still reacts (barking/lunging) when we see other dogs on walks, or growls if a dog tries to sniff her face so I was not sure how she would be. She actually did great. They have a special "orange bandana" program; for dogs who "need space" they have them wear an orange bandana so I did that with Bianca. She only barked at other dogs a few times and at least two of those were when the other dog started barking at her first, and each time I was able to stop her before she got riled up so she only gave one or two barks. She did growl a few times when another dog sniffed her but she didn't go any further than that and she did allow several dogs to sniff her with no reaction. At one point I let her and another dog sniff and they seemed to be doing well, but then the other dog started snarling/barking and I think snapped at her, and Bianca's reaction was to back off-- she didn't even bark back!

Well, I discovered why Shepherds are called the most versatile breed! I used to know someone online who would always say, "GSD, the dog that can do it all" and they were definitely right!

These are the activities we went to:

-Lure Coursing
-Preparing for the Therapy Dog Test

The first thing we did was herding. This was a herding instinct test, we had to drive from camp to Magic's Legacy which is at the Wisconsin border for this. The tester did two demos first with two of her own dogs, a young dog and a senior. It was really neat to watch them herding a bunch of lambs. The older dog was 12 and still going strong! There were three dogs in the testing: a Sheltie, a BC, and Bianca. They all passed. The other two needed some encouragement from their owners but Bianca was all over it so I didn't have to get in the pen. Several of the other owners there commented on what a nice looking dog she was and one of them complimented her level topline (she has the appropriate slope but not extreme.) One of them said they just couldn't take their eyes off her.

Here are the videos I took of her herding:

The next activity we did was lure coursing. I think this was Bianca's first time trying it, and at first she wasn't sure about chasing the lure, she kept chasing and then stopping. However the guy running it switched it to a furry lure and as soon as Bianca saw that one she was off! When they stopped it she grabbed the lure and tried to take it with her.

The next thing we did was tracking. This was "beginner's" tracking. Bianca has done some tracking training in her previous home but I don't know how much and I've never done any tracking. They had the owners taking turns laying a straight track with an item at the beginning and a glove with food at the end, and then hiding near the end (with the dog turned around so they couldn't see where the owner went) while another owner worked the dog. The woman who was working with Bianca was amazed at how good Bianca was. The instructor said we should definitely do the "tracking level 2" activity which was the next day, but unfortunately I was just there for the day so I couldn't go to that. The person who was handling Bianca had a Chinese Crested powderpuff and I got to talk to her about them because I've been thinking of getting one. We talked for a while and she told me she has a Podengo (the small type) also and she said she would recommend them over the Crested. She said hers is the only Podengo in Illinois.

After lunch, we did was "Preparing for the Therapy Dog Test" which was a talk given by a trainer in one of the buildings, and then some practice of therapy dog test sections. Bianca actually behaved really well at lunch too, I had to leave her (they have a special area for dogs to wait) to go inside and get food and she didn't bark even though there were other dogs nearby who were barking a lot because their owners also went inside.
The trainer for the therapy dog stuff was one I have taken classes with before so she knew me but she was surprised to see Bianca (she actually said "Lizzi and Ginger" when referring to me because she had assumed I was with my Golden, then she looked closer and realized it was a different dog with me.) Bianca did very well in the more close quarters, the rest of our activities so far at camp had been outdoors. The segments of the therapy dog test we practiced were from the Delta Society test because that is what the trainer is experience in. I was very interested in trying these out because I actually got Bianca with the intent to have her be a therapy dog like my Golden but we had to sort of put that on the back burner while we worked on her dog interactions. Several people had just taken the CGC at camp so they focused on the test segments which are not in the CGC and we basically went through them the way they would during the test. The segments the trainers did were: Clumsy Petting, Restraining Hug, Staggering/Gesturing, Angry Yelling, Bumped from Behind, Crowded and Petted by Several People (two, since they only had two trainers there), Leave It (with toys) and Offer Treat. They also used a wheelchair and a walker to see the dog's reaction to a person using those and also to the items on their own.
Bianca did very well on all the segments. She was a little unsure about the hugging and the wheelchair but she quickly got over it. While we were practicing one of the other dogs took exception to Bianca who was not even really looking at the dog at the time and was about 8 feet away, and started barking at her. Bianca barked back once but when I told her "leave it" and got her attention off the dog she stopped immediately.

I was surprised at how Bianca was doing the whole day, and during lunch she really seemed to want to get up and go rather than take a break and relax. I guess maybe it's because I am still used to having senior dogs but it surprised me that she didn't tire out at all. Since she was still raring to go we did agility next. Bianca enjoyed it and especially took to the a-frame, she didn't really need the trainers' help on any of the obstacles. There was a camp photographer taking photos at agility, they make the photos available to purchase for a couple dollars so I am going to have to check their website to see if they put any of Bianca up.

After agility they had a "socialization time" in several fields, one for small dogs and two main groups. Bianca had a lot of fun playing with the other dogs. My vet was at camp too with her dog Zeke who Bianca knew already so she was happy to play with him. There was also a puppy who looked like a Dutchie to me and who Bianca was very interested in (she seems to like puppies a lot.) At one point another dog got snappy with Bianca but she didn't retaliate. She also did great with recalls, there was a dog who she really wanted to chase but his tail was down and he didn't seem comfortable so as she was chasing him I called her to me, and she came running immediately. Funnily enough the dog she'd been chasing came up as I was praising her and seemed to be wondering why the game had stopped, so I guess he wasn't too upset about it after all. She got several compliments on her recall and on her good behavior in general (I think the behavior was because she had the "orange bandana" although I explained to people that she is generally fine off leash.)

There was supposed to be a break at that point but I had talked to the guy running lure coursing earlier as the schedule said he was the person to see about having a "mini session" on carting. I hadn't noticed that listed until halfway through the day but luckily he was able to fit us in during the break. I wasn't sure if it would just be sort of explaining carting basics or what. I know the basics already as I taught my Golden to pull a cart and I'd been to a drafting education day before. However when I got there he had a cart out already. He first had me walk Bianca next to the cart to get her used to it. She was kinda nervous about it at first but I encouraged her and she got over it quickly. Once she was comfortable with that he actually hooked her up with a carting harness and hitched her to the cart! I was surprised since the instructions I had used for teaching my Golden had us pulling jugs behind her and things for quite a while before actually getting to the cart itself. He held on to the harness at first and we walked around with her hitched to the cart with me encouraging her the whole way and giving her the start and stop commands. We did a few turns and then she was doing so well that he let her go without him holding the harness (with her walking in between us, and me holding her leash.) She actually pulled the cart all by herself with no problem! There was a slight incline and a gravel driveway that circled around a grassy area. We went partway down it about 30 feet, did a gentle turn on the grass and came back up the hill twice with her pulling on her own. The instructor commented that she was very strong and on how good she was doing-- she had no trouble when we did the turn off the driveway onto grass, had no problem pulling the cart up the incline at all and was able to start it moving when we stopped at the bottom of the incline without help. When we stopped he was explaining how the next steps would be to teach the turns and to teach the dog to be comfortable with sitting and lying down while in harness. As he was explaining that Bianca was still hitched to the cart and she decided to sit down on her own. \:D He said that he thought we could probably have it all down in about a week if we practiced every day and that he thought she could be ready for a drafting test in a month.

So we had a really fun day at camp and Bianca got to try a lot of new things, and show just how versatile a Shepherd can be! She got a lot of compliments which was nice, and I also got a lot of compliments on her "fancy" Halti. I got to see quite a few people I knew although I didn't have time to talk to everyone. I knew some people from other events and classes and things, and I had also been to several of the "winter" weekend camps that they used to hold (those were at hotels, which was nice.) It was somewhat bittersweet though because quite a few people asked me where Ginger or Pooch were (my two senior dogs who passed away last year.) Especially Ginger since most people knew her since she was usually with me everywhere I went. I saw a few people who Ginger and I used to do animal assisted therapy with as well, and I got to see one of the dogs we were in a program with, who is 15 now. I also got to talk to her owners, one of whom has a dog radio show (Steve Dale) and did a little mini-interview with me for the show. I'm not sure if he's going to air it though because I mentioned feeding Bianca raw bones and he said something about bones being bad for dogs.
We also did some "arts and crafts" which included making a plaster-cast sand pawprint and a memorial candle holder. They had a pet memorial service in the evening but I had to leave before that because it was getting late and I live an hour away. I would've liked to have stayed for that but as it was we had a 10 hour day.

Here are a few photos I took. I didn't get many because we were too busy running around!

Lure Coursing


Harley & Blaze's first TICA cat show results

Sunday, October 4, 2009
I wanted to share my cats' show results for their first TICA cat show this weekend. We went to the Prairie State Cat Club "Fall Harvest" Show

First in case anyone is not familiar with TICA, (I just learned a lot of this myself) the household pets are give points for best of color, 1st-3rd of division, and then 5-10 are chosen for finals depending on how many are entered. There are 'Specialty' rings and 'Allbreed' rings. In the "Specialty" rings the judges award finals for longhairs and finals for shorthairs separately. In the "Allbreed" rings the shorthairs and longhairs are combined and each judge picks the top cats out of both shorthairs and longhairs into one final.

Blaze is a brown mackerel tabby/white and Harley is a brown ticked torbie and white so they are both in the tabby and white division. There were three cats in the tabby and white division at this show so it was Blaze, Harley, and one other cat in their division. In this show there were less than 20 household pet adults total, so each judge awarded finals for their top 5 cats. There were 12 shorthair HHPs the first day and 7 longhair (so 19 total for the All Breed rings). The second day all the rings were Allbreed and there were 16 HHPs for most of the rings. There were 5 rings each day.

Here are my cats' results-

Blaze (Sat.)

1. 3rd of Division
2. 3rd of Division
3. 2nd of Division
4. 3rd of Division
5. 3rd of Division; special award

In the last ring Blaze got the "James C. Becknell Memorial Award" which is awarded to a household pet with the best a "moustache" or "beard." Blaze was the closest to one at the show.
This was Blaze's first time going to a show and he was scared, so he didn't do very well. He did not hiss or even put his ears back at all, he just kept to the back of the judging cages and kept his tail between his legs. I was considering not bringing him the second day but I decided to go and see if he improved. I was hoping he'd be ok for showing because although he is a little more shy than some of my other cats, as soon as he sees a toy he usually perks up and he is my most playful cat. At home he will play with a string toy (like Da Bird) until he is panting and even then he doesn't want to stop! I'd hoped that when the judges got a toy out he would play but he was too scared to play at the show.

Blaze (Sun.)

1. Best of Division; 3rd Best Allbreed HHP Adult final
2. 3rd of Division
3. 3rd of Division
4. 3rd of Division
5. 2nd of Division

Today Blaze was still scared but he seemed to be a little bit more comfortable but was still scared. He got one final in the first ring of the day-- 3rd in an Allbreed ring (3rd out of 16 household pets) is pretty good! All together he added up 595 points and one final. They need 300 points and one final to get the title "Master" (HHP equivalent to Champion) so Blaze has enough for that title. I'm not sure yet if I am going to show him again. I will probably try taking him out some places and see if he gets a little less scared.

Harley (Sat.)

1. Best of Division; Best Specialty SH HHP Adult final
2. Best of Division; Best Specialty SH HHP Adult final
3. 3rd of Division
4. Best of Division; 3rd Best Specialty SH HHP Adult final
5. 2nd of Division; 4th Best Allbreed HHP Adult final

Harley did really great. I thought she would behave fine because she's been to one show before and did really well. It was a household pet show last March at the Chicagoland Pet Expo, it was only for household pets. She actually got Best in Show at that one. This weekend was her first TICA show though. Harley was at the front of the cage for most of the rings and trying to get the judge's attention ("Hey, play with me!") I also think her ticked torbie coloring helped her to stand out, and her petite size.
Harley got enough points/finals just on Saturday to earn the title "Master" which requires 300 points and one final.

Harley (Sun.)

1. 3rd of Division
2. Best of Division; 2nd Best Allbreed HHP Adult final
3. Best of Division; 4th Best Allbreed HHP Adult final
4. Best of Division; 2nd Best Allbreed HHP Adult final
5. Best of Division; Best Allbreed HHP Adult final!

I was very happy/surprised when she got a 1st place Allbreed for the last ring of the day! Harley finaled in 8 out of 10 rings for the weekend and she got 1825 points total. This is enough for the title "Grand Master" which requires 1000 points with 6 finals under 4 different judges. She only needs 175 more points to get the next title, Double Grand Master but she also needs to get one final as a "Grand Master" for that one so I have to send in her title confirmation form now.
We had a fun show, I was kinda nervous the first day since I had not been to a show since March and I'd only been to one TICA show before with my other cats Church and Harley and they did not do very well.. All the exhibitors were really nice and several helped me with figuring out points and things. I got to meet a forum member too, darlili! I also met some breeders whose websites I'd seen online, got an invitation to come play with some Japanese Bobtails at a cattery I'd been looking into previously, petted a Savannah for the first time and got to hold a lovely (available) snow Bengal kitten. The breeder was showing her to me and had to go get another cat from a ring so she asked me to hold her...the kitten started purring immediately. Oh yeah, I also got to feel a Japanese's Bobtail's tail. I asked an owner what their tails are actually like (can't really tell by looking due to the fur) and he said to go ahead and feel his cat's tail.

I took a video of Harley getting her Best Allbreed and of Blaze in a judging ring on Sunday (to see his behavior), but I can't get them to upload to Youtube so I'm trying Catster...
Here's the link to the videos:

Here are some photos from the show:

Harley in a ring-

A judging ring

Harley and Blaze's benching cage at the end of today (Harley is staring because I was waving a toy). If you look closely you can see Blaze hiding behind the litterbox on the left side of the cage.

Harley showing off her awards